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Love EV

What does driver after driver and passenger after passenger rave about after testing out an electric car? If not the instant torque, it’s the smooth and silent drive. In fact, this often comes first. Naturally, people freakin’ love a smooth and quiet ride. The rumbling explosions of a gasoline engine and all the crazy mechanisms that are in place to make that engine work and not harm you are, surprisingly, not that enjoyable to most of us. But we don’t realize how much nicer life can be until we drive an electric car instead.It’s so quiet! Is it really on? Oh my gosh, we’re driving?! It’s so quiet! That’s so nice.”
(Granted, some people find it disconcerting at first, but basically in the way that you find it a bit disconcerting when your vacation starts and you don’t have to do a million things at work — not that I can really remember what that’s like.)despite the hype about charging times, there’s a good chance that driving electric will save you time. Imagine it like this: You have a gas station at your house. When you get home, you stick the nozzle in the car and go inside to have dinner, play with your kids, chill out on the couch, work on something, play video games, knit, go to sleep, or whatever. When you leave the next day, you just take the nozzle out.
This is life with an EV, except you don’t have to worry about the effects toxic gasoline will have on your family, you don’t have annoying puddles of gasoline accumulating on your driveway, you don’t have to worry about your house exploding if grandma lights up a cigarette and drops it in the wrong spot, and you’ll probably just charge every 2–3 days since charging every day is seldom necessary.
If you have charging stations at work, home + work charging will probably cover ~97% of your charging needs. If it turns out you have no option to charge at home or work, there are still plenty of productive and recreational things to do while charging in public, and it still just takes a few seconds to plug in and unplug.


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