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mobile photography. Taking pictures with a mobile phone. The camera technology on smartphones is more than adequate for taking photos and publishing them online. Depending on the camera quality and number of pixels, photos can be printed 8x10" and higher with excellent results."before the days of smartphones -- if you can remember such a time -- taking a great photo was a labor-intensive process. You'd have buy a fancy camera and editing software for your desktop computer, and invest some serious time and energy into learning how to use them.But, thanks to our mobile devices and the editing apps that come with them, we can now take high-quality photos and edit them without too many bells and whistles -- all from the same device that we use to make calls.  brands are catching on, too -- the kinds of visuals remain important to marketing. But make no mistake: Taking a great photo on your smartphone is not as simple as pointing and shooting. There are plenty of bad smartphone photos out there -- I'm sure you've seen at least a few.


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We slow burn like brownies,,if it fools you two times shame on you.